Comfort Solutions

What are the best heat pumps for your home?

As heat pumps do not create heat afresh but instead move existing heat to places where it is needed, these machines can prove wonderfully cost-effective at keeping a residence comfortably warm.

Many different models of heat pump abound, but you can more easily choose between them if you address the following questions first.

What heat pump brands should you primarily consider?

If you want a solution that ‘just works’, you could obviously feel more comfortable going with a brand that has already established a strong reputation for the quality of its heat pumps.

We at Comfort Solutions are able to provide and install units from Mitsubishi, Fujitsu and Panasonic — three of what are generally deemed the best heat pump brands in New Zealand.

What is the standard of your current home’s insulation?

Your home’s age is likely to be a major factor here, as the insulation in older homes tends to be poorer than that in newer homes.

In any case, the poorer a home’s insulation is, the higher the amount of indoor heat this home will leak — and the larger the heat pump that will be called for to make up for the heat loss.

How many spaces do you want to heat?

Do you seek a heat pump for just one room of the house? Several rooms of it? The entire house? Heat pumps do differ in the number of spaces they are able to effectively warm.

What style of heat pump would best suit the space?

Of course, this isn’t exactly the most practical concern. However, the wide range of designs in which heat pumps are offered enables them to fit in surprisingly well in an aesthetic sense.

For example, it is possible to seamlessly replace fireplaces with floor-mounted systems, while ceiling-concealed heat pumps can be almost invisible.

Mitsubishi, Panasonic and Fujitsu are, as we have previously highlighted, among New Zealand’s best heat pump brands — and we can provide and install heat pumps from all of them at homes in the Central Auckland, West Auckland and North Shore areas of Auckland. We welcome enquiries by email via


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Comfort solutions

30 Paramount Dr, Henderson,
Auckland 0614, New Zealand
PO Box 303, Whangaparaoa 0943